Windows Look & Feel のバグ

4146858: Wrong DefaultButton behavior in Windows & Motif L&Fs
4166803: Focus set incorrectly on JInternalFrames
4172991: Win32 PLAF: Alt key for menus doesn't work
4183333: Please provide different WindowsLookAndFeel Border for JPopupMenu
4196518: Windows L&F JInternalFrame menus Disabled system menu items should get focus
4199085: JButtons are too tall and too narrow in Windows look and feel.
4199382: Swing Menus - text/icon/checkmark alignment schemes severely broken
4201986: Swing Tooltips not honoring desktop setting for tooltip font
4249732: JComboBox (Windows L&F) does not resemble native Windows combo
4252279: JFileChooser behavior under the windows look and feel on a "new folder"
4253171: white JTabbedPane on a white JPanel in windows L&F does not paint correctly
4264764: JButton has wrong margin in a JToolBar with Windows LAF
4268204: Windows Look&Feel doesn't look and feel like Windows
4268306: JToolBar uses wrong interior padding w/ Windows LF
4302970: WindowsDesktopManager does not look and feel like Windows
4337049: Background color on JComboBox also changes color of drop down button

注 - まだ「w2K」のキーワードが付加されていないため、このリストに載っていない Windows Look & Feel のバグが存在する可能性があります。